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Pass a password to runas with command RunAsSpc

RunAsSpc can be used like the runas command, but additionally with a password parameter.

RunAsSpc.exe /program:"path\yourApp.exe" /user:"anyAccount" /password:"accountPassword"
As example:
RunAsSpc.exe /program:"c:\windows\system32\regedt32.exe" /user:"admin" /password:"pw"
RunAsSpc command line call
There is no security check and the password is in clear text.

If you want to hide the login credentials you can configure an encrypted file

either by RunAsSpc.exe on command line or by the graphical user interface RunAsSpcAdmin.exe.
Take a look below on >> Build encrypted files <<.

Then you can call this encrypted file with RunAsSpc.exe as follows:

  1. If the name of the encrypted file is >> crypt.spc << , you can start it by a double-click on the same directory.
  2. Drag your encrypted file and drop it onto RunAsSpc.exe
  3. On command line >>RunAsSpc.exe /cryptfile:"path\NameOfCryptfile" <<
  4. Create a shortcut or link like >> c:\path\runasspc.exe /cryptfile:"path\NameOfCryptfile" <<
  5. Link the file extension (open with) *.spc on your system to RunAsSpc.exe, to run the encrypted file by double-click.
  6. You can also use your own file extension.

Build encrypted files

First possibility via the command line with RunAsSpc.exe.
>> runasspc.exe /cryptfile:"crypt.spc" /program:"prog.exe" /domain:"localhost" /user:"admin" /password:"pass" <<
You find examples in the supplied file readme.txt or call >> runasspc.exe -h << on command line to get help

Second possibility with graphical user interface RunAsSpcAdmin.exe.
See screenshots below with a lot of example configurations or take a look to the video example.

Screenshot examples with RunAsSpcAdmin:

Start registry editor under the local user account localadmin.

Install a msi file vlc.msi over a domain account which has local administrator rights.

Install a msi file vlc.msi with installation arguments over a domain account which has local administrator rights.

Open the Excel document molecularWheigtCalculation.xls under domainaccount departmentuser.

Call a msc file like the computerconsole

Call the computerconsole via C:\Windows\System32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe

Start a batchfile mybatch.bat or mybatch.cmd with elevated UAC priviliges by using RunElevated

Start the windows command line cmd.exe as administrator with elevated UAC priviliges by using RunElevated

Start a vbs script

Insert a registry entry

To start a batchfile like *.bat or *.cmd

To install Java with parameters /S /V /qn

To run a Batchfile with some options like optionA optionB optionC

To use environment variables

Call with rundll32 the >>>Add / Remove programs applet<<<
screenshot 10


For any suggestions, errors, questions, specific requirements or adjustments please contact:


RunAsSpc is only free for private use.
For companies and other organisations we deliver a licensed version, registered to the organisation name.
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Date: 2024-08-26
Data protection